Transformative Sustainability Solutions

We support your efforts in transforming how and why

we do things in our lives to provide a cleaner and more

sustainable world

Carbon Footprinting and Climate Action Planning

U-CAN offers sophisticated data driven analyses and contextualized creativity to support your Green House Gas (GHG) emissions management efforts.

Climate Vulnerability Assessment and Adaptive Planning

U-CAN helps our customers assess climate risk and vulnerability, effectively engage constituents in resilience planning, and integrate between communities and campuses. 

AASHE STARS: Sustainability and Assessment Planning

Whether engaging for the first time, or updating a previous submission, use our proven process for approaching the STARS framework to effectively to get recognition and build buy in for your campus sustainability efforts.

U-CAN = Sustainability Improvements

U-CAN provides information, tools technical support and professional services for colleges and universities, hospitals, local governments and corporate clients. We deliver these services across the U.S. and Canada through a network of affiliated professionals working collaboratively to provide custom designed solutions.

The Next Steps…

Call U-CAN today for a free consultation with the U-CAN team of experts (203) 530-1180

Contact Us:
(203) 530-1180
Unlimited Carbon Assistance Network
14241 Midlothian Turnpike
Suite 168
Midlothian, VA 23113